Category Sourcing

Why You Should Use A Buying House For Sourcing Garments


Introduction Buying houses in the apparel industry serve as middlemen between the suppliers (garment manufacturers) and retailers (apparel buyers). A buying house may also be referred to as a sourcing agent or buying agency. The buying agency may work as…

Top Fabric Manufacturers in Bangladesh

Fabric manufacturers in Bangladesh

Are you looking for top-quality fabrics at an affordable price? Look no further than Bangladesh, the rising star of the textile industry with the best Fabric manufacturers. With its rich heritage of textile production, Bangladesh has emerged as a major…

Top 20 Green factory in Bangladesh

Top 20 Green factory in Bangladesh

With the United States Green Building Council’s and Leadership in Environmental and Energy in Design certification, Today Bangladesh has the most environmentally friendly garment manufacturers worldwide (USGBC). The largest green factories in the world—171—are in Bangladesh’s readymade garment (RMG) industry.…

10 Reasons to Invest in Bangladesh Apparel Industry

10 Reasons to Invest in Bangladesh Apparel Industry

After China, Bangladesh exports the second-highest volume of readymade clothing (RMG). RMG contributes to over 81% of the company’s export revenue. The textile and apparel sector accounts for Bangladesh’s GDP of 20%.  The industry directly employs about 20 million people.…